Avaya's Statement of Direction

The telecommunications industry is faced with a significant and growing problem of theft of customer services. To aid in combating these crimes, Avaya intends to strengthen relationships with its customers and its support of law enforcement officials in apprehending and successfully prosecuting those responsible.

No telecommunications system can be entirely free from risk of unauthorized use. However, diligent attention to system management and to security can reduce that risk considerably. Often, a trade-off is required between reduced risk and ease of use and flexibility. Customers who use and administer their systems make this trade-off decision. They know best how to tailor the system to meet their unique needs and are therefore in the best position to protect the system from unauthorized use. Because the customer has ultimate control over the configuration and use of Avaya services and products it purchases, the customer properly bears responsibility for fraudulent uses of those services and products.

To help customers use and manage their systems in light of the trade-off decisions they make and to ensure the greatest security possible, Avaya commits to the following:

Avaya is committed to meeting and exceeding our customers' expectations, and to providing services and products that are easy to use and are of high value. This fundamental principle drives our renewed assault on the fraudulent use by third parties of our customers' communications services and products.