Controlling Call Transfers

This topic describes how to add or deny transfers to certain numbers out of the messaging software and how to enable transfers to others.

Factors to consider when planning Call Transfer Controls

The Transfer Security pages give you control over call transfers and use of the pages helps to prevent toll fraud. Use these pages to specify extensions to which a caller is permitted to transfer.

Callers cannot transfer to numbers expressly denied. For example, you may want to forbid call transfer to numbers beginning with 9 if this number accesses an outside line.

Denied numbers override numbers not specified on these pages. Allowed numbers override numbers specifically denied. For example:

If you used the Add Denied Transfer Numbers page to... and you used the Add Allowed Transfer Numbers page to... then a caller can...
deny all numbers allow numbers in the range from 2000 to 5999 transfer out of the messaging software by dialing any 4-digit number that starts with 2 to 5.
deny all numbers allow a specific number transfer only to that number, for example, a remote field office.

To deny all numbers, enter all in the From field of the Add Denied Transfer Numbers page and leave the To field blank. You can use a similar method to enter a single number (rather than a range) in either the Add Denied Transfer Numbers page or the Add Allowed Transfer Numbers page. Simply enter the number you need into the From field of the applicable page.