Enabling FAX Messaging on an Individual Basis

About this task

Once you have administered FAX Messaging on the messaging software, you are ready to enable your subscribers so that they can use this feature.


If you change an individual subscriber's COS, you remove any association between the subscriber and any other class of service. Therefore, if you have administered or are planning to administer a special COS for FAX Messaging, do not use this procedure. Instead, follow the procedure Enabling FAX Messaging by Defining a COS.

To enable a subscriber for FAX Messaging:


  1. Go to the Communication Manager Messaging web page.
  2. Under Messaging Administration, select Subscriber Management.
  3. Open the Edit Local Subscriber page.
  4. Under PERMISSIONS, use the Tab key to move to the Fax Creation? field (under ) and select yes in the field.
  5. Under MISCELLANEOUS, in the Voice Mail Message Maximum Length field, enter the larger number of the following two choices:
    • A value that is double that of the current voice-only capacity (for example, change a maximum message length of 700 seconds to 1400 seconds)

    • At least 1200 seconds (20 minutes)

  6. In the Call Answer Message Maximum Length field, enter a value of at least 1200 seconds.
  7. In the Mailbox Size field, enter the larger number of the following two choices:
    • A value that is double that of the Voice Mail Message Maximum Length you entered in Step 5 (for example, if the value just entered was 1400 seconds, set Mailbox Size: to 2800 seconds)

    • At least 2400 seconds (40 minutes) of capacity

  8. Click Save to update this information to the system database.

    Enabling a subscriber for FAX Messaging has no effect unless FAX Messaging is enabled for the Communication Manager Messaging system.