Listing Subscribers by name

About this task

You can sort and filter the subscribers' list by their names. The names of local subscribers are listed along with their extensions, classes of service, and Community ID.

To list administered messaging subscribers:


  1. Log in to the Messaging Web page.
  2. Under Messaging Administration, select Subscriber Management.
  3. In the Manage Subscribers page, click Filter to view the Sort and Filter Local Subscribers page.

    Alternatively, click Manage and then click the Sort and Filter Subscribers button.

  4. Select Name and make it the primary sort key or secondary sort key.

    The Primary column determines the first sort key in ascending or descending order. The Secondary column determines the second sort key, in case there are ties in the primary sort.

  5. In the Filters column, enter the name character; first character of the name you want to see listed first in the screen.

    If you type li su, the listing starts from the alphabetic character closest to a. This command is case-sensitive, so typing li su r yields different results than li su R.

  6. Click Save.

    The system displays the changed sort order in the subscriber list.

    The table in the Column Definitions: Manage Local Subscribers page describes the fields on this screen.