
The system uses a series of logs as the central collection point for information flowing from all of the messaging features and feature packages. These logs provide a system-wide view of activities, errors, and alarms.

Messages in the logs range in importance from informational to critical. The logs vary based on audience (login type) and information type. The current system uses four logs:

Activity Log

The activity log records a list of messaging mailbox-related events (for example, logins and message creation, receipt, and deletion). This log is useful for responding to subscriber-reported problems. The activity log is accessible to the craft login.

Administrator's log

The administrator's log records informational messages that could require some action by the messaging system administrator. These messages might simply log a successful nightly backup, or they could alert the system administrator that the system is low on disk space. The administrator's log is accessible to craft login.

Alarm log

The alarms signal a service-affecting or potentially service-affecting problem with the system. The alarm log records major, minor, and warning alarms generated by the system. The system automatically notifies a designated remote service center of all major and minor alarms by using the modem if the system is registered with the Avaya Remote Service Center. The customer is responsible for resolving all warning alarms. The alarm log is accessible to the craft login.

Maintenance log

The maintenance log records error occurrences, error resolutions, and informational events that can help Professional Services troubleshoot an alarm. The maintenance log is accessible to the craft login.