Removing Fax Dial Strings

About this task

As the needs of subscribers change, you can remove dial strings that were previously allowed or denied. Also, before you can change the allowedor deniedsetting in the Fax Deliveries to All the Specified Dial Strings Are Allowed/Denied: field on theFax Options page, you must remove all existing Fax dial strings. To remove one or all Fax dial strings:


  1. Go to the Communication Manager Messaging web page.
  2. Under Messaging Administration, select Fax Dial Strings.
  3. From the Fax Dial Strings page, determine which Fax dial string you want to remove.

    To see a listing of all Fax dial strings currently administered on the system, use the command list fax-dial-strings. See Listing Fax Dial Strings for more information.

  4. Select the dial string and click the Delete String button.

    You can also choose to delete all the listed strings by using the Delete All Strings.