TTY Automated Attendants

To access your automated attendant, hearingimpaired callers need a standard standalone, acoustically coupled TTY along with a touchtone telephone. The TDD-English announcement set makes it more convenient to set up teletypewriter (TTY) automated attendants that provide service to hearingimpaired callers.


The TDD announcement set is recommended, but not required, to set up TTY automated attendants.

Planning Your TTY Attendant

The following are recommendations and requirements for planning the use of the TTY automated attendant feature:

TTY Feature Operation

Assign the TTY announcement set on the automated attendant Subscriber or Class of Service screen, and record a TTY automated attendant menu using a TTY (the menu is actually the personal greeting for the automated attendant extension). Instead of speaking the menu greeting into the telephone, type the menu greeting using the TTY keyboard. Callers who reach the TTY automated attendant must use a TTY to interact with the automated attendant.

Here is how a TTY automated attendant relates to other messaging features.

Mode Synchronization when Recording Menus

Some TTYs have both a letters and a numbers/figures key for switching to the indicated mode. On such devices, if the first character in an automated attendant menu is a letter, press the letters key before you type anything else. If the first character in an automated attendant menu is a number or figure, press the numbers/figures key before you type anything else.

If you do not have these separate keys, synchronization of modes is less convenient, but can be accomplished in the following way:

TTY users need to use both the keypad on their touchtone telephones and the keyboard on the TTY. In menu instructions, make it clear which to use. You might use the word "dial" when the user needs to use the telephone keypad and the word "type" when the user needs to use the TTY keyboard.

When using a TTY to type directly to the system, the messaging software captures and preserves any misspellings, hesitations in typing, and so on. For this reason, it is recommended that you use a TTY with a built-in buffer and completely edit the menu before calling the messaging software to download the buffer. Refer to your TTY user's guide for instructions on editing and downloading the TTY buffer.