Testing the Operation of Internet Messaging

About this task

After the messaging software and Internet Messaging are administered, run the following tests to confirm that all network connections are established and that the system is operating properly.


  1. Go to the Messaging Administration main menu and select under IMAP/SMTP Administration:

    SMTP Status

  2. The system displays the System Status screen.
  3. Check the Internet Message status field.

    The status should be Running.


    For an explanation of how to run the test or of the test results, click the Help button at the bottom of each Internet Messaging screen.

  4. Select from the Messaging Administration main menu under Diagnostics:Name Server Lookup.

    The system displays the Name Server Lookup Test screen.

  5. Run the Name Server Lookup test for the messaging software and mail gateway.

    Test each host name or IP address. Use the name format of hostname.domain. For example, use the name messaging.dr.avaya.com, not just messaging.

  6. This test determines whether a system can be looked up through the domain name servers assigned on the TCP/IP Networking screen.

    If domains can be looked up, messages can be delivered to them.

  7. Select from the Messaging Administration main menu under Diagnostics:SMTP Connection.

    The system displays the Test SMTP Connection screen.

  8. Test each host name or IP address.
  9. This test validates the mail protocol connection between this messaging system and another machine.
  10. Select from the Messaging Administration main menu under Diagnostics:POP3 Connection or IMAP4 Connection

    The system displays the Test POP3 or IMAP4 Connection screen.

  11. Run the POP3 or IMAP4 Connection test for the messaging software.

    Test each host name or IP address.

  12. This test calls a network host using TCP/IP to determine whether the host's POP3 or IMAP4 interface is running.

    If the connection works, communication through Internet Messaging is working.

    Run the IMAP4 connection test. Test each address.

  13. Select from the Messaging Administration main menu under Diagnostics:Mail Delivery

    The system displays the Test Mail Delivery screen.

  14. Run the Mail Delivery test for a known messaging extension and password, and a valid email address.
  15. This test validates whether the mail system is functioning by sending a message through the messaging system to an existing extension.

    Go to the extension and verify that the test message was delivered.

  16. Select from the Messaging Administration main menu under Logs:IMAP/SMTP Messaging.
  17. The system displays the IMAP/SMTP Messaging Logs page.
  18. Check each log for the messaging status in each delivery process.

    You can select the log you want to view from Logs.