Unlocking a Mailbox

About this task

To unlock a subscriber's mailbox:


  1. Log in to the Messaging web page.
  2. Under Messaging Administration, click Subscriber Management.
  3. The system displays the Manage Subscriber screen.
  4. Click Manage to view either Local or Remote Subscribers.
  5. Select a subscriber and click Edit/Delete the Selected Subscriber.

    The system displays the Edit Local Subscriber or Edit Remote Subscriber page.

  6. In the Basic Information box, select y in the Locked? field.
  7. Click Save.


For security reasons, the messaging system allows only three login retries per user session before disconnecting. The messaging system also monitors the number of unsuccessful consecutive login attempts to a specific mailbox across multiple calls to the messaging system. If this number exceeds the number defined on the System- Parameters Features screen, the messaging system locks out that subscriber's login ID, thus preventing further system access. The subscriber cannot access the messaging system until you unlock the subscriber's login.

Use the Edit Subscriber screen, Page 1 to unlock a subscriber's mailbox.