Using Bulletin Boards with an Automated Attendant

An automated attendant may present multiple choices for listening to bulletin board messages that are set up with the information service Bulletin Board feature. Use the call answer treatment on the screen for bulletin board extensions to route callers directly into the selected bulletin board's mailbox.

For example, you could set up three different bulletin boards, then set up an automated attendant as shown in the Example: Using Bulletin Boards with Automated Attendants.

In this example, the automated attendant would prompt the caller to press the appropriate button to hear a bulletin board message. Callers are not allowed to use * 8 call transfer from this attendant, as it is denied on the Subscriber screen.

Bulletin board extensions in this example are messaging extensions that are not administered at the switch. These extensions can only be reached by dialing this automated attendant. Callers who select one of these extensions are forwarded directly to the extension's mailbox to hear the call answer greeting.