Auto-Attendant Menu Tree Screen

Table: Field Definitions: Auto-Attendant Menu Tree Screen

Field Name Valid Input Description/Procedure
Start From Called Party ID in Routing Table? y = yes

n = no

Type y in this field to make the program start its search at the Incoming Called Number in the routing table. For the example shown in the Auto-Attendant Routing Table Screen, if you specified trunk 802 in the next field, then mailboxes 9003, 9004, 9005, and the mailbox in holiday schedule hol1 would all be tested.

Type n in this field to make the program test the mailbox number specified under Starting Point first, and then test the mailboxes that are set out in the menu that applies to the specified mailbox.

Starting Point:
  • Blank

  • From 2 to 10 digits

The extension number of the mailbox or Incoming Called Number that is to be tested. Leave this field blank to test all attendant mailboxes (or all mailboxes in the routing table, if you typed y in the first field).
Report Type (full/errors):
  • f = full

  • e = errors


= Display errors and each component element of each mailbox


= Display only flawed mailboxes and errors