Outcalling Options page

Table: Field Definitions: Outcalling Options page

Field Name Valid Input Description/Procedure
Outcalling Active? y = yes

n = no

Enables or disables outcalling on a system wide basis.

This feature uses voice ports.

Start Time 24-hour clock time in the format hh:mm

Default: 00:00


The beginning of the time period during which outcalling can occur.

You can specify up to three time periods. These time periods cannot overlap and the sum of their durations must be less than 24 hours.

End Time 24-hour clock time in the format hh:mm The end of the time period during which outcalling can occur.

You can specify up to three time periods. (See Start Time above.)

Interval 24-hour clock time in the format hh:mm The time interval between outcalling attempts within the time period during which outcalling is permitted. The default value for the first time period is 00:15 (15 minutes). The minimum interval is 15 minutes. The maximum is 24 hours.
Maximum Simultaneous Ports 164

Default: 1

The maximum number of voice ports that you can use simultaneously for outcalling during this time period. The maximum simultaneous ports are not dependent on the time slot.
Initial Delay (mins): 060

Default: 0

The number of minutes that pass after the delivery of a message before the messaging software makes the first outcall.
Maximum Number Digits: 360

Default: 29

The maximum number of button-presses (including digits and the symbols * and # ) that the subscriber can specify for outcalling.

You can limit digits so that subscribers cannot use outcalling to place off-premises or long distance calls.