Renaming the Local and Remote Machines

Renaming the Local Machine

About this task

To rename a local machine:


  1. Log in to Communication Manager Messaging web page.
  2. Under Server Administration, click Messaging Server Admin.
  3. The system displays the Edit Messaging Server page.
  4. In the Server Name field, change the name of the messaging server.
  5. The machine name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters in length.

    The following rules apply:

    • The machine name cannot contain blank (embedded) spaces. For example, denver 1 is not allowed, but denver_1 is allowed.

    • The Machine Name field is a case-sensitive field. Uppercase letters must be entered as uppercase, and lowercase letters as lowercase.

    • Hyphens (-) are allowed.

    • Underscores ( _ ) are allowed.

    • Periods (.) are not allowed.

    • The machine name cannot start with a number.

    • Use of “fax” as a server name is not allowed.

  6. Press F3 (Save) to enter the new name into the system.

Renaming a Remote Machine

About this task

To change the name of a remote machine:


  1. Log in to Communication Manager Messaging web page.
  2. Under Server Administration, select Networked Servers.
  3. The system displays the Manage Networked Server page.
  4. Select a server and click Edit the Selected Networked Server button.

    The system displays the Edit Networked Server page.

  5. In the Server Name field, change the name of the server.

    The name must be unique. The machine name can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters in length. The following rules apply:

  6. Please take note of the following points:
    • The machine name cannot contain blank (embedded) spaces. For example, denver 1is not allowed, but denver_1is allowed.

    • The Machine Name field is a case-sensitive field. Uppercase letters must be entered as uppercase, and lowercase letters as lowercase.

    • Hyphens (-) are allowed.

    • Underscores ( _ ) are allowed.

    • The machine name cannot start with a number.

  7. Click Save.

    The system pops up a dialog box with the message - Server Information modfied successfully.


This topic provides information about changing local and remote machine names.


If you change the local machine profile, contact all remote network administrators and inform them of the changes.