Retrieving a Deleted Remote Machine

About this task

If you make a mistake by removing a remote machine, you can add it back to the system by running a series of audits. This procedure is possible only until the nightly audit on the day that you delete the machine. After the nightly audit runs, the deleted machine cannotbe retrieved.

To retrieve a deleted remote machine:


  1. Log in to Communication Manager Messaging web page.
  2. Under Utilities, select Messaging DB Audits.
  3. The system displays the Audits page, on which you can :
    • View Audit History

    • Audit Mailboxes

    • Audit Mailing Lists

    • Audit Voice Names

    • Audit Network Data

    • Audit Personal Directory Data

    • Audit Subscriber Data

    • Audit Nightly Data

    • Audit Weekly Data

    After each audit, the system returns to the Audits page. See Voice Messaging Database Overview for more information on these audits.