Recording Remote Machine Names

About this task

You can record the name of each remote voice mail system, telephone number, or range of machines and/or numbers by using your telephone. The local system voices these names when local subscribers address messages to a machine or when they receive messages from remote subscribers whose names are not recorded or who are not administered.

To record remote voice mail system names:


  1. Under Messaging Administration, select Subscriber Management.
  2. The system displays the Manage Subscribers page.
  3. In the Local Subscriber row, click the Manage button.
  4. Select the subscriber for whom you want to verify announcement control permission and click Edit/Delete the Selected Subscriber button.
  5. Under the PERMISSIONS section, select yes in the Announcement Control field.
  6. View the remote machines on the Manage Subscribers page.
  7. Record the Voice IDs of each system for which you want to record a name.

    Some remote machine profiles are used for a range of machines. Either voice a name that is meaningful for all machines in the range or do not voice a name for these profiles.

  8. Using a touchtone telephone, log in to the messaging system by using the extension that has announcement-control permissions.
  9. From the Activity menu, press 9 to perform system administration.
  10. Press 6 to record machine names.
  11. Using the touchtone keypad, enter the voice ID for the first remote machine and press #.
  12. At the tone, speak the remote machine's name.
  13. Press # to approve the recording or press * D to delete and rerecord the name.
  14. Repeat Step 6 through Step 8 for each remote system or telephone number name.
  15. When you are finished, press * R to return to the Activity menu or hang up to exit the system.