Remote updates provide an automatic method of administering remote users. Remote updates:
Let you automatically add all remote users who need to exchange messages across the network
Let your local messaging system exchange user information with each remote messaging system that is administered on the local system
Remote updates greatly reduce the time required to set up the messaging digital network. Whether you use the remote updates feature depends on the:
Number of users in your network
Size and disk space of your local system
Number of networking ports that you are using
You also can enter remote user information manually. Before you administer your user or remote update information, consult with the remote system administrators in your network. Each remote system administrator must determine whether to use remote updates.
With a complete update, all user information is exchanged between systems. When a new system is added to the network, each existing system must request a complete update from the new system to add the new users to the network. Complete updates might involve thousands of users and require heavy system resources. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you perform complete updates during nonprime time to reduce the impact on system users.
Additionally, the local messaging system can automatically schedule a complete update during nonprime time from a remote system if the local system detects discrepancies among databases.
Partial updates occur on a regular basis to add or change information for users. For example, a partial update occurs when a new user is added to a remote system or a local system.
If all systems in the network allow updates, then any time a user is added to, deleted from, or changed on a system, that system notifies each system in the network.