Changing remote user data manually

About this task

Running a remote update can use one of your networking ports for quite some time. If you want to change a remote user immediately but do not want to run a remote update, you can change that user manually.

To change a remote user's data manually:


  1. On the Administration menu, click Messaging > Messaging Administration > Subscriber Management.
  2. Under Messaging Administration, select Subscriber Management.
  3. If there are networked servers, the list is displayed under Remote Subscribers.
  4. Decide on which remote machine you want to add a subscriber and click the Manage button provided for that machine.

    On the Manage Networked Servers page, you see a list of remote systems. See .

    The system displays the Manage Remote Subscribers page.

  5. Select a remote subscriber whose information you want to change.
  6. Click the Edit the Selected Subscriber button.

    The system displays the Edit Remote Subscriber page.

  7. On the Edit Remote Subscriber page, enter appropriate information in the fields.
  8. Click Save.