
Overview of Reports

Communication Manager Messaging collects information that depicts how the system is used, including data about features, subscribers, communities, data port loads, and remote messaging traffic. This information is displayed in real-time dynamic report windows, in alarm logs and administrator's logs, and in messaging traffic reports.

Alarm logs and administrator's logs record events that are useful for preventive maintenance, for diagnosing problems and troubleshooting the system, and for spotting trends or estimating future needs. Dynamic windows allow you to watch real-time traffic in the messaging system. The table for Traffic Reports contains a list of available reports.

The procedures in this topic assume that you know basic messaging commands and navigation, such as logging in and out of the system, recognizing the difference between the vm and sa logins, knowing about the command prompt function and usage, and moving from field to field within a screen or window. If you are not familiar with messaging system basics, read Getting Started before you continue.