Backing Up System Files (Scheduled)

About the Scheduled Backup

The schedule backup runs automatically, based on the schedule you create. The scheduled backup can contain all of the information necessary to bring the messaging system back to an operational state after a service-affecting event. However, the scheduled backup alone might not completely restore the system to its previous state. Depending on the severity of the situation, the messaging software might have to be reinstalled before you can restore any backups.

When scheduling the backups, follow the normal rules that apply to backup procedures. That is, be sure to schedule the backups to run outside of peak times when call processing on the server is at a minimum.

Scheduled backups do not require supervision. However, for the backup to be successful, you must ensure that the ftp server to which messaging sends backup data still has space to accept a new backup

Avaya recommends that the system administrator check the Backup log daily to ensure that a successful scheduled backup occurred. If a successful scheduled backup did not occur, the system generates the MT BACKUP 1 warning alarm.


Unlike other versions of messaging systems (for example, INTUITY AUDIX R5.1), there is no partial success of a backup. A Communication Manager Messaging backup is successful only if it includes all data you selectfor backup. If any of the data fails to be backed up, no data is stored.