Creating or Changing Subscriber Name Recordings

About this task

The subscriber name recording is the spoken name that is recorded for or by each messaging subscriber. This fragment is spoken by the messaging system during call answering, such as "Your call is being answered. Jane Doe is not available." The first fragment ("Your call is being answered.") and the third fragment ("is not available.") are messaging system fragments. The second fragment ("Jane Doe") is the subscriber's recorded name fragment. If a name is not recorded, callers or message recipients hear the extension number, not the name, of the subscriber.

You have two options for recording subscriber names:

To create or change a subscriber's name recording:


  1. From your telephone, dial the messaging system extension.
  2. Enter your extension (the one that has announcement control permission) followed by the pound sign (#) when prompted.
  3. Enter your password followed by the pound sign (#) when prompted.
  4. Press 9 to perform system administration.
  5. Press 4 to record a subscriber's name.
  6. Enter the extension of the subscriber whose name you are about to record followed by the pound sign (#) when prompted.
  7. Speak the subscriber's name clearly when prompted.
  8. Press the pound sign (#) to signify the end of the recording.
  9. When you are finished with this subscriber name recording, choose one of the following:
    • Repeat Step 6 to Step 8 for each additional subscriber name you want to add or change.

    • Press # 7 to return to the Activity menu or just hang up to exit the messaging system.