Performing a Restore (Windows-based FTP Server)


  1. Stop the messaging software (voice system).
  2. At the Server (Maintenance) Web page, select:

    Backup Logs

    The system displays the View Backup Log screen.

  3. Select the backup image you want to preview or restore by clicking the corresponding radio button.

    If you must restore the Communication Manager server data sets as well as the messaging data sets, you restore the Communication Manager server data first. If the hard drive is new, and the release number of the software on the hard drive is more recent than that of the backup data, click on Force restore if backup version mismatch and Force Restore if server name mismatch.

  4. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Preview. Use the Preview button if you are not sure you have selected the correct backup image.

    The system displays the Preview Data screen.

    On the Preview Data screen, enter the following data:

    • User name. Enter "anonymous" if you are using an anonymous account. Otherwise, enter your real user name.

    • Password. If you are using an anonymous account, you will typically enter your email address as the password. However, you should check with the FTP server administrator to verify this. If you are not using an anonymous account, enter your real password.

    • Pass phrase. Enter the encryption password, if any. If there is no encryption password, leave the field blank.

    Click the Preview button.

    • A View/Restore Data Results screen displays a brief description of the data associated with the backup image.

    • Messaging data will have one of the following names attached to the backup file name:

      • audix-ann for announcements

      • audix-tr-msg for translations and messages

      • audix-tr-name-msg for translations, names, and messages

      • audix-tr-name for translations and names

      • audix-tr for translations only

    • You can then click Restore on this second screen to begin the restore process. If the hard drive is new, and the release number of the software on the hard drive is more recent than that of the backup data, click on Force restore if backup version mismatch and Force Restore if server name mismatch.

    • Restore. When you click Restore, the system displays a Restore Data screen.

    On the Restore Data screen, enter the following data:

    • User name. Enter "anonymous" if you are using an anonymous account. Otherwise, enter your real user name.

    • Password. If you are using an anonymous account, you will typically enter your email address as the password. However, you should check with the FTP server administrator to verify this. If you are not using an anonymous account, enter your real password.

    • Pass phrase. Enter the encryption password, if any. If there is no encryption password, leave the field blank.

    • If the hard drive is new, and the release number of the software on the hard drive is more recent than that of the backup data, click on Force restore if backup version mismatch and Force Restore if server name mismatch.

    Click the Restore button.When you click Restore, the system displays a View/Restore Data results screen that tells you whether or not the restore procedure is successful.

    If the results are not shown soon, you can also check the status using the following steps:

    1. Select the Restore Status option from the main menu.

      The system displays the Restore Status Selection screen.

    2. Click the most recent restore in the list, and click Check Status.

      The system displays the Restore Status screen.


      The Refresh button is not available for this release of software.

    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the message Restore of ..

      . completed successfully appears.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you do nothave any remote networked machines, continue with step 6.

    • If you have any remote networked machines, do the following:

    1. Logoff of the Communication Manager server.
    2. Log in to the Communication Manager Messaging web page.
    3. Run a manual update to and from all remote networked machines to correct any database inconsistencies.

      See Running a Remote Update Manually.

    4. Continue with step 7.
  6. Restart Communication Manager software.