Viewing a List of Automated Attendants

About this task

The List Attendants screen lists the automated attendants by their extension numbers. The list is in numerical order of extension number starting with either the lowest extension number or the extension specified in the command line.

To view a list of automated attendants:


  1. Log in to the Communication Manager Messaging web page.
  2. Under Messaging Administration, select Attendant Management.

    The list command can be preceded by print. This way the list is printed on your system printer.

    The system displays the Attendants page. The table for Field Definitions: Attendants page contains descriptions of the fields on this screen.

  3. If you would like to view attendants starting with a specific extension, click the List Attendants button.
  4. Provide a number as the starting extension of attendants that you would like to view.
  5. Click List Attendants.
  6. To verify that your automated attendant menus are working as you intended, follow the procedures in Step 4: Confirming Automated Attendant Administration.