Administration Overview

This overview contains a variety of topics that relate to initial and ongoing administration of Communication Manager Messaging.

Administrative Interfaces

The system provides four interfaces for accessing and administering messaging features. These interfaces are:

The browser interface can be used from any location with access to the internal LAN or the Internet. This interface might be Internet Explorer 6.0 SP 1. Some of the initial administration is a must before administering the Communication Manager Messaging server. Therefore, the system administrator might use the Communication Manager server browser interface to backup or restore messaging data, check system status, and check alarms.

From the Communication Manager server brower interface, the administrator also accesses the web administration pages, from which a large number of tasks can be performed, including administering IMIA, checking channel status, and accessing logs. Through the messaging web pages, the system administrator can:


Services technicians can bypass the LAN and access the Administrative Web Interface by using a direct connection from their laptop to the Communication Manager server services port. For details on how to access the Communication Manager server, see Administering Communication Manager servers to work with Communication Manager Messaging .

Communication Manager Messaging supports command line interface or the Avaya Site Administrator (ASA) to administer the messaging features.

Administration from the Telephone Interface

The system administrator performs some administrative tasks by using the telephone, including recording:

The voiced menu options that callers hear are actually personal greetings that the customer records for the Automated Attendant's extension. The Multiple Personal Greetings feature can also be used to provide different menus and options for different types of callers. For an overview of the Automated Attendant features, see Automated Attendants and Bulletin Boards.

As with Automated Attendants, the system administrator records Bulletin Board messages. For more information and procedures, see  Automated Attendants and Bulletin Boards: What Is a Bulletin Board.

An announcement fragment is a recorded voice segment, and an announcement is a set of rules for determining when a specific fragment is to be played. For more information, see Customizing Announcements.

Administration from Messaging Web Interface screens

Communication Manager Messaging is pre-configured with default settings such that an administrator does not need to manually configure a setting to be the default setting.

The legend on the Messaging Administration Web page lists the web page links. The Legend is divided in sections as per the functionality provided by each web page. For example, all administrative related web pages are listed under the Messaging Administration heading.

See Messaging Administration Screens for a detailed description of how to use these screens.

System Logins

You can create user logins associated to a specific user profile available in Communication Manager depending upon the web pages a user must access. For example, a user whom you have assigned a user profile associated to Communication Manager Messaging pages can only access Communication Manager Messaging web pages.

Among the types of login accounts that you can create, you can associate the custom login account to a user-based profile of your choice. A custom login account can be associated to only one user-profile.

To create user logins, vist the Communication Manager System Management Interface web page. On the Administration menu, click Server (Maintenance). On the Security list, click Administrator Accounts.

Some of the logins that provide varying levels of access to the features and capabilities of the messaging system. This layered login approach provides a means to limit access to certain features.

Craft Login

The services craft login permits:

Administrative Access by More Than One Person

A system allows more than one person to perform the same function on the same screen, for example, adding a customer to the Voice Messaging database. However, when two people happen to be editing the same profile, only the changes made by the person who saves the screen last are written to the hard disk. The other changes are lost. Together, the Communication Manager server and messaging can have up to 49 different login accounts.


Help is available at three levels:

Internet Messaging Administration

The system administrator can administer the operation of Internet Messaging through a World Wide Web browser interface. Where possible, default values or a list of selections are provided. However, some fields require that an entry be made, after which the system will operate properly. For additional information on Internet Messaging, see Overview of Activating Internet Messaging.