Unauthorized Mailbox Use

Unauthorized Mailbox Use

One type of voice mail fraud occurs when a hacker is able to break in to a voice mail system. Once connected, the hacker can access a mailbox and change its password and greeting. This provides the hacker full use of the mailbox, which can be costly if access is gained to the voice mail system through an 800 number.


If a subscriber receives any strange messages or reports that his or her personal greeting was changed, or if for any other reason you suspect that your messaging facilities are being used by someone else, contact Avaya Toll Fraud Crisis Intervention.

Mailbox Administration to Prevent Unauthorized Use

Several precautionary measures can be taken to prevent unauthorized use of your voice mail system. These are:

Subscriber Mailbox Security and Password Administration

To minimize the risk of unauthorized access to your messaging mailboxes, ensure that your subscribers follow these guidelines for messaging passwords.