Backing Up System Files Now

About the Backup Now

Use Backup Now when you want to back up system data immediately. For example, you may want to back up data very soon after you have installed the Communication Manager server and/or the messaging system. Additionally, you may want to run the backup procedure just before making a change to your system. Doing so ensures that the most recent data is backed up, including data that is new since the last scheduled backup was run.


The "backup now" does not cause a degradation in service. However, for best results, perform a backup now at a time when the messaging system experiences low usage.

Additionally, the messaging backup files can be quite large. As a result, your LAN network connection may fail during the backup. In this case, you can run a scheduled backup instead, which allows the Communication Manager server to handle breaks in the LAN connection and ultimately create a successful backup. To run a scheduled backup in case of a failed backup now, you can simply set the schedule to run on the current day and 5 or 10 minutes in the future. See Create (add) a new backup schedule.


Unlike other versions of messaging systems (for example, INTUITY AUDIX R5.1), there is no partial success of a backup. A Communication Manager Messaging backup is successful only if it includes all data you selectfor backup. If any of the data fails to be backed up, no data is stored.