Ongoing administration and maintenance tasks checklist

The following checklist lists tasks you do on a regular basis to keep the Communication Manager system with the messaging software operating properly.

Task Purpose Page (All pages refer to Communication Manager Messaging web intergace unless stated explicitly)
Review tasks in the previous table. This revises initial administration as your business and users' needs change. See the Startup Administration checklist.  
Administer and remove subscribers, as necessary. This maintains subscriber profiles to reflect current needs and staffing.
  • Under Messaging Administration, Subscriber Management

Reassign subscriber default password. This reassigns a subscriber's default password if the subscriber forgets it.
  • Under Messaging Administration, Subscriber Management

Unlock a subscriber's mailbox. This unlocks a subscriber's mailbox if too many unsuccessful attempts have been made to log in to it.
  • Under Messaging Administration, Subscriber Management

Run traffic reports. This displays messaging traffic information to help you troubleshoot and find ways to improve system efficiency. Click the Measurements link under the Reports menu. The following options are available:
  • Load Daily Traffic

  • Load Hourly Traffic

  • Remote-Messages Daily Traffic

  • Remote-Messages Monthly Traffic

  • Network-Load Hourly or Daily Traffic

  • Community Daily Traffic

  • Community Hourly Traffic

  • Feature Daily Traffic

  • Feature Hourly Traffic

  • Special-features Daily or Hourly Traffic

  • Traffic-Snapshot Daily or Monthly Traffic

Administer and check the Activity Log. This allows you to investigate subscriber activity to resolve reported problems.
  • Under Messaging Administration, Activity Log Configuration

Check the Alarm Report. This displays active or resolved messaging software alarms. You can check that alarms are cleared after service procedures are performed, and troubleshoot intermittent problems that resolve themselves and then recur.
  • Under Logs, Alarm

Check the Administration Log. This allows you to display and investigate administrative entries that you can solve.
  • Under Logs, Administrator

Run audits. This synchronizes the system software and the disk after you have made administrative changes. Also, run audits to allow the system to readjust itself after an alarm. Under Utilities, Messaging DB AuditsMailboxes. This page has provision to audit the following:
  • View History

  • Mailing Lists

  • Mailbox

  • Names

  • Network Data

  • Personal Directories

  • Subscriber Data

  • Voice Files

  • Nightly and weekly data

Backup data on demand, and restore data if needed. This stores backup system data immediately after a large number of changes.
  • Use the Communication Manager server web browser Data Backup/Restore options.

Perform a Backup   Backup messaging translations data


Prepare for Scheduled Backups   The time of scheduled backups should already be established. Add messaging data to the backups
