Administration Checklists

Overview of administration checklists

This section is a quick-reference guide that you can use when you administer Communication Manager Messaging. The administration checklist is as follows:

Communication Manager

Communicatioin Manager Messaging

Who should read this section

Read this section if you are a:

The procedures in this section assume that you know basic messaging software commands and rules for navigation. This includes how to log in and out of the system, the difference between the vm and sa logins. If you are not familiar with the basic operation of the messaging software, read Getting started before you continue.

Startup tasks for Communication Manager Messaging

The following startup tasks must be completed before the messaging software will work:

Installation and Initial Administratioin Tasks

In addition to switch administration tasks, Avaya technicians complete a number of other tasks during installation. These are listed in the Installation Checklist, see point 7 on the table.

Required Administration tasks

The system administrator completes the following tasks after installation is complete.

System default values exist for Tasks 1 through 7. If the default values meet the needs of your business, you can begin to add subscribers and run the messaging software immediately.