The Administrator's Log

About this task

The system warns you of potential administrative problems by displaying an administrative alert message (Alarms: A) on the Administration status line when it logs an administration event. Check the status line at the top of the Command Prompt screen at least once a day. If you observe such a message, access the Administrator's Log to view current error messages and a description for each problem.

The Administrator's Log identifies system events. These events include problems that you need to correct. Some events, such as full subscriber mailboxes and undeliverable messages, directly affect message processing.

When you see Alarms: A on the Administration status line, you need to view the Administrator's Log. To view the administrator's log:


  1. Go to the Administrator's Log page.

    When using a vm or browser login or as an alternative for sa logins, you can access the Administrator's Log as follows:

    1. Log in to the Communication Manager Messaging web page
    2. Under Logs, select Administrator.

      The system displays the Administrator's Log page.

  2. Complete the fields on this page by using the information in the table for Field Definitions: Administrator's Log page.
  3. Click Display(or press Enter if at the command prompt screen) to start the report.

    When the system gathers the information you specified, it displays the report results.

    The table for Field Definitions: Administrator's Log page; Report Results details the fields on this display-only screen.

  4. Examine the displayed events.

    Events, alarms, and their associated repair procedures are described in Alarms and Events.

  5. If a displayed event calls for repair, take whatever corrective action is necessary.